Design  |  About This Topic

Design | About This Topic

For as long as I can remember I've known I was destined to be an entrepreneur. I also knew I was going to use any and all of my artistic skills to "save the planet" in some way. It wasn't until a few years after i graduated from college that I realized my true calling was exactly that; clean up the Earth by transforming clean waste into art.

My handmade looks from 2nd Annual Trashion Fashion Show, Hartford CTMy handmade looks from 2nd Annual Trashion Fashion Show - Photos by Christine Bartolucci

In blog posts titled Design we'll offer up insight on all our design projects. How do we get from a small pile of plastic bottle caps, to a 14 foot wide map of the world. And why?!

World Map (in progress) at 4th Annual Trashion Fashion Show - photographer unknown
Bottle Cap World Map (in Progress) - photographer unknown

There's a story behind all of our products. Sometimes its a commentary on the causes we find pressing. Other times its an experiment in physics. Most of the time its just a quest to give something worthless a new sense of value. But it's always an exploration into how to turn some ugly old junk into something desirable, AND letting its new owner know what makes it so special anyway.

Upcycled Show Inserts + Vintage Skirt
Upcycled shoe inserts became bracelets + upcycled vintage skirt

Are you an avid upcycler? share a pic, or story, in the comments below. We would love to hear about it.

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