Lifestyle | Shopping Fair Trade with The Charity Wrap

Lifestyle | Shopping Fair Trade with The Charity Wrap

Environmental sustainability comes in many forms. Often times the organic option isn’t always the most earth-friendly which is why when we source materials and products we’re looking at the bigger picture.


You’ve probably heard a lot about Fair Trade; an initiative that bridges consumers in developed countries to artisans in developing countries. It ensures the artisans are being paid a fair, livable wage for their work and work in a safe, healthy and eco-conscious work environment.


Our newest obsession, these hand woven beach blankets by The Charity Wrap, have just graced our store. Dora Molina founded The Charity Wrap after spending years working retail jobs which felt meaningless to her. “I wanted to be part of something greater and all they cared about was surpassing goals and didn’t truly care about the customer or the people making the clothes.” She wanted to give back to the community and in 2014 she decided The Charity Wrap would be her vehicle to do so.

The Charity Wrap features beautiful blankets hand loomed in El Salvador. With each purchase, customers are helping artisans rise above poverty, earn a competitive wage and maintain a full-time job.

Dora realized the importance of fair trade when visiting her family in El Salvador. “I went to the open-air market and realized that everything was dirt cheap. The math didn’t make sense so I began asking questions about who made it, where, how they made it, how long did it take- and it still didn’t add up.” She spoke with her aunt, a (then) non fair trade artisan who experienced the inequality firsthand. She realized that these talented artisans who are creating highly coveted products, weren’t earning a livable wage. This is where she realized she had an opportunity to make a different.

She commissioned 24 blankets from her aunt at a fair price and set out to see how well they would sell in The States. Dora saw quick success and now 1.5 years later she employs her aunt and 4 other women full-time, and her blankets are still her best seller!

But Dora’s philanthropic spirit doesn’t stop at the manufacturing. Once the blankets are sold in the U.S., 20% of the proceeds of all Charity Wrap products go towards charity. Dora changes the charity every 6 months. Her featured benefactors range from domestic violence support, animal rights, supporting the homeless and more.

The Charity Wrap features blankets, clutches, scarves and other accessories. Dora plans to expand their woven goods production and hopes to get into home decor as well. Regardless of what product she launches next, The Charity Wrap will continue doing good and supporting communities around the world.

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